
Wolf Girl With You

Wolf Girl With You is a popular Japanese visual novel game developed by Seismic. It was released in October 2016 and quickly gained popularity for its unique storyline and stunning artwork.

The game is very different from traditional visual novels as it focuses on a romantic and intimate relationship between the protagonist, a college student, and his new companion a wolf girl.

However, if you want to enjoy this game on your mobile device, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll share Wolf Girl With You APK and guide you through all the required information such as the installation process, gameplay, features, and more.

Let’s dive in.

What Is Wolf Girl With You?

Wolf Girl With You is a visual novel game based on the romantic and intimate relationship between a college student and his new companion, a wolf girl.

The game features stunning artwork, captivating storylines, and engaging gameplay that will keep you hooked from start to finish.

Sachi Usui, the wolf girl in the game is a sweet and innocent character that will steal your heart with her charming personality. Also, she can transform into a wolf at will, adding an element of fantasy and adventure to the game.

Not only this, a girl is very skilled and loves to do work like decorating the house and cooking a new dish.

The game also includes puzzle-solving elements, adding another layer of intrigue to the game. These puzzles are intricately woven into the storyline and require players to use their critical thinking skills to progress. Successfully solving a puzzle not only brings you closer to the truth behind the wolf girl’s identity but also strengthens the bond between the protagonist and Sachi.

At first, the game will start in Japanese language, but don’t worry you can change the language to English from the settings easily.

Also, note that the game is available only for Android devices and can be downloaded and installed for free.

Features Of Wolf Girl With You

If you’re a fan of visual novel games or simply looking for something new and exciting to play, Wolf Girl With You App is definitely worth checking out.

Here are some of the top features that make this game stand out from others in the genre:


Captivating Storyline

The game’s storyline is well-written and will keep you engaged from start to finish. It seamlessly blends romance, fantasy, and mystery to create an immersive experience.


Stunning High-Quality Artwork

The hand-drawn artwork in the game is truly stunning. From character designs to backgrounds, every element is detailed and visually appealing in 3D.


Customizable Avatar

Players can customize their avatar and give themselves a unique appearance in the game. Even the wolf girl, can be given different outfits to suit your personal preferences.


Intimate Relationship

As mentioned earlier, this game focuses on a romantic and intimate relationship between the protagonist and Sachi, allowing players to experience a different kind of storytelling.



The puzzle-solving elements in the game add an extra layer of challenge and keep the gameplay interesting.


Multiple Endings

The game offers multiple endings depending on the choices made by players, giving it a high replay value.


Explore new world

The game allows players to explore different locations such as the protagonist’s home, school, and even a fantasy world filled with magical creatures.


The charm of Liru

Liru, the wolf girl’s alternative form, adds an element of cuteness and charm to the game. Players can interact with her in this form as well, making it a unique experience. She does many work like making food and decorating.


Language Change Option

The game offers the option to change the language from Japanese to English, making it accessible to a wider audience.

These are just a few of the many features that make Wolf Girl With You a must-try game for visual novel enthusiasts.

We’re sure by now you must be excited to try out this amazing game. So without further ado, let’s take a look at how you can download Wolf Girl With You APK on your Android device.

First of all, note that this app is not available on the Google Play Store. And if you try to download it from a third-party website, you may end up with a virus or malware on your device.

So, we highly recommend that you download the APK file from our website. It is official, free, safe, and easy to download.

Now if you want to download the app, simply click on the “Download” button below and it will start downloading on your device.

Wolf Girl With You APK Download

App NameWolf Girl With You
GenreVisual Novel
Size1.6 GB
Last Updated OnJanuary 2024
Android Required4.0 or more
Official Websitehttps://wolfgirlwithyou.site/

Just wait for a few seconds until the download is complete and you’ll have the Wolf Girl With You APK file on your device.

How to Install Wolf Girl With You APK?

Once you have successfully downloaded the APK file, it is also important to know how to install it properly.

This is because it should be installed manually as it is not available on the Google Play Store.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you install Wolf Girl With You APK on your Android device:

  1. Before installing, make sure that you have enabled “Unknown Sources” in your device settings.
  2. To enable Unknown Sources, go to Settings > Security/Privacy and toggle on the option that says “Allow installation from unknown sources.”
  3. Now go to your device’s file manager and locate the downloaded Wolf Girl With You APK.
  4. Double tap on the APK file to open it.
  5. You’ll see the install and cancel buttons, click on install.
  6. Wait for a few seconds until the installation process is complete.
  7. Once the game is installed, you can open it or click on done and access it later from your device’s app drawer.

And that’s it. Now you can enjoy playing Wolf Girl With You on your Android device.

Note: We would recommend to disable the “Unknown Sources” option once you have finished installing the game for security purposes. This will prevent any unwanted apps from being installed on your device.

How To Change The Language To English?

As you know the game starts in Japanese but you can easily change the language to English from the settings.

So, if you don’t know how to do that, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the game and go to game options.
  2. Here you’ll see a “Language” option, click on it.
  3. You’ll see Japanese as the default language.
  4. Click on it and select English from the list of available languages.
  5. Now click on save or apply to make the changes. And that’s it, now the game will be in English.


Is Wolf Girl With You available for iOS?

Answer: No, currently the game is only available for Android devices.

Is Wolf Girl With You free to download?

Answer: Yes, the game is completely free to download and play. There is no in-app purchase required.

Is these games safe to download and play?

Answer: Yes, the APK file provided on our website is safe and free from any viruses or malware. However, if you download it from a third-party website, we cannot guarantee its safety.

Is Wolf Girl With You suitable for all ages?

Answer: The game contains mature content and is recommended for players above 18 years of age.

How to update the game to the latest version?

Answer: You can keep visiting our website for the latest version of Wolf Girl With You APK. Whenever a new update is available, you can simply download and install it and the previous version will be automatically updated.


Wolf Girl With You is a highly entertaining and unique visual novel game that offers players an immersive experience with its stunning graphics, interesting plotline, and engaging gameplay.

The various features it offers only add to the overall charm of the game. So don’t wait any longer and get the Wolf Girl With You APK now to embark on an exciting journey with Liru, the wolf girl.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and found it helpful for your search to download Wolf Girl With You APK. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to Contact Us.

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